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During my internship at Ronimo Games I worked on the game Awesomenauts. I created several different things during that time, mostly related to the AI tools.


My project was to improve and expand the AI tools. The first part of this was to add new AI behavour blocks that the designers required. This allowed the designers to create more complex AI, and also taught me the basics of the AI system.


The second part was to display various values and statistics of a running AI character on the screen. It also added other helpful functionallity, like locking the camera on an AI chararter. This was quite simple and allowed me to get used to the engine.


The next part was a lot more complex. I had to connect the AI editor to the game engine, and then display the exact state of the AI in the AI editor. Because there was no code or library to make the connection, I had to write it myself. I ended up using winsock to connect the 2 applications.


When I finished the project I still had a lot of time left of my internship, so I first did a few small things, like displaying settings values in tooltips, improving the GUI and a formula parser, before going to the next big project.


My next and final task was to design and create a mission/achievement system. After discussing the design of the system with the designers, we came to the conclusion that what we came up with looked a lot like AI, so we decided to use AI to create achievements. Normally however, AI would only run on characters, so I had to create a seperate system to manage and run these AIs. These AI also had to be persistent through multiple sessions, and had use steam to store the statistics and unlock the achievements.

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